Komilfo Dehydrator, 15 ml

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Price in points: 122 points
Cashback: 9 points
Weight: 0.070 кг
BrandKomilfo Volume (ml)15 ml
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Komilfo Dehydrator — dehydrator for nails.

The dehydrator cleans and dries the nail plate.
Does not contain dyes and fragrances, does not penetrate the lower layers of the nail plate.
When it gets on the cuticle, it does not cause irritation. Completely evaporates from the nail plate, giving the nail
whitish shade, which is a visual sign that a primer, glue or lacquer coating can be applied to the nail.
Compatible with any technology: varnishes, gel varnishes, gels, acrylic.

Application technology: Apply to the nail plate and wait 20-30 seconds before applying the base coat.

Volume: 15 ml

Komilfo Dehydrator, 15 ml
Volume (ml)
15 ml
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Використовую дегідратор вже декілька місяців, дуже економний розхід. Точно буду замовляти його повторно
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