Luna leather nippers

Price in points: 650 points
Cashback: 46 points
Weight: 0.070 кг
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Manicure nippers is a tool that allows you to cut off excess parts of the cuticle and tidy up your nails.

Features of cuticle nippers:

  • our instruments are made of high-quality surgical steel, have a matte surface, are resistant to corrosion, and therefore have a long service life;
  • the convenient working part allows you to carefully remove excess skin around the nail rollers;
  • Perfectly sharp blades and their complete closure significantly increase the quality of the cut, in turn, the tool does not chew the cuticle, therefore, there are no cuts or wounds left after processing;
  • The pliers have a soft and smooth action, thanks to the double metal plate between the handles, which creates a slight springy effect.
Luna leather nippers
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